Most MusicMDs Are:
- Student musician preferably in their freshman or Sophmore year (high school or college)
- Accomplished in their instrument(s)
- Members of school and/or youth orchestras or bands
- Referred by a music teacher/director
- Participants in music evaluation events/competitions etc.
- MusicMDs abide by all healthcare institution rules & confidentiality requirements
- Follow the MusicMDs dress & conduct codes
- ALWAYS come prepared & 'warmed up' to perform their best for the listening pleasure of the audience
Performance Frequency:
- MusicMDs is a flexible self-scheduling program in which musicians choose their performance dates from a given set of dates each month (suitable for students with busy and varying schedules)
- Scheduling is done monthly and performances are on weekends (usually on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons).
- Generally musicians perform 2-3 times a month (however attendance & performance policy may vary by MusicMDs branch - check this with your branch of interest).
- Members must perform at least once a month in order to stay active in the program, except for out-of-town "visiting" alumni MusicMDs musicians.